Istanbul mayor Imamoglu says Hagia Sophia ‘should not be instrumentalised’

The mayor of Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu expressed his sorrow that the issue of Hagia Sophia is being instrumentalised for the sake of domestic politics in Turkey, while speaking at Delphi Economic Forum on Thursday. 
On his part Athens mayor Kostas Bakoyannis underlined that the two cities both host world heritage monuments, such as Hagia Sophia, which must be protected.

During their discussion, both mayors agreed to cooperate and to meet over the coming period, either in Istanbul or in Athens, while they also referred to “city diplomacy”, noting that this can often bridge divides and differences.
Imamoglu said that issues like that of Hagia Sophia should be handled with sensitivity, taking into history and religion into consideration, while adding that Turkey and the entire world now face much bigger and more serious challenges.
On migration, both mayors agreed that it is an international problem that should be addressed at local and international level.

ViaDiplomacy Newsroom