FM Dendias: Greece has no reason to fear the dialogue with Turkey

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias on Saturday sent a clear message that Greece is shielded through the specific moves of Mitsotakis’ government in the sectors of defence and diplomacy and has not reasons to fear a dialogue with Turkey based on the international law, he said in an interview with Ta Nea newspaper.

Asked on the exploratory talks between Greece and Turkey, he clarified that the talks are not negotiations and have not a specific deadline.
He underlined that the talks have no connection with March’s EU Council and clarified that sanctions on Turkey should continue to exist as possibility. “Our aim is not to punish Turkey, what we wish for Turkey is to behave as a modern country that respects the rules of peaceful co-existence of neighbouring countries as well as the international law”. 

At a question on the extension of Greece’s territory waters south and east of Crete, he said that it is Greece’s inalienable right to extend its territory waters whenever it considers it necessary.
Finally, he referred to Greece’s relations with the Arab countries as well as with Israel where he will be next week underlining that their relations have developed very much in the last months. He also referred to the importance of Greece’s relations with Russia and India.

ViaDiplomacy Newsroom